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About Charles Nance

Charles Nance
Attorney at Law

Charles Nance’s practice includes trust and estate planning, estate administration, planning for family wealth transfer, and charitable gift counseling. He represents clients on such matters as asset preservation, transfer of a family business, and distribution to family members and favorite charities with a minimum of taxes, fees, and government intervention.

Prior to limiting his practice to estate planning, Charles was an in-house lawyer for a securities broker-dealer, a work-out consultant for private real estate investors, and a developer of tax-credit housing for low income families. He previously served as a legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives and as an assistant to various Virginia elected officials.

Charles Nance is a good listener and puts clients interest first. Very knowledgeable in Estate planning matters and will help people find the best plan to meet their situation.
Used Charlie for my husband’s Living Trust work! Thorough, efficient and reasonably priced. Can’t beat that threesome for legal work.
Charlie helped me with a complex probate matter that we were able to successfully close out with great results - THANKS!! I unconditionally endorse Charlie.
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